We exist to help ALL people experience the extravagant love of Jesus Christ that makes all things new.


God’s Unconditional Love

We are convinced that the nature of God only makes sense through the lens of love. It was love that overflowed from Father, Son and Spirit to create the heavens, the earth and everything on the earth. It was all called “good.”

We believe this same love of God extends to ALL people through the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Genesis 1; Psalm 36:7; John 3:16-17

The World’s Fundamental Need

Though the world, and everything in it, was fearfully and wonderfully created, humanity was born with a tendency to prioritize our personal needs and desires above others in such a way and to such an extent that it becomes damaging and leads to isolation. But, as we draw near to the source of love in Jesus Christ, we begin to experience real love and are then empowered and equipped to love others.

We believe we are to use our opportunities to serve and care for ourselves, others and nature itself.

Genesis 3; Romans 3:23, 5:12, 8:22-23; Ephesians 2:8-10

God’s Gracious Response

God has never left humanity to suffer the consequences of selfishness without hope. He gave the Law to his people to set the stage for the coming of God in human flesh, Jesus Christ. Through the incarnation, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus we find the path to light, love, wholeness and community.

We believe that the renewal of the world, and the complete restoration of everything, and everyone, that has suffered is still in progress, and we await the return of Jesus Christ where everything will finally be set right.

Psalm 86:15; Matthew 1:23; John 19:30; Romans 5:6-11; Revelation 22:4

Humanity’s Greatest Opportunity

Part of the mystery and grand love of God is to cooperate with humanity. Every person is given the opportunity to receive the gift of love, and given unique talents and abilities to share that love with the world, but no one will be forced.

We believe that we can choose to do life with God or on our own.

John 1:12; Luke 5:36-39; Romans 10:10; Revelation 3:20

every Believer’s New Hope

For those who accept the gracious offer of love from God the Father, through God the Son and in the power of God the Spirit, the immediate work of love begins to transform the mind, heart and choices. The life of the follower of Jesus becomes more and more characterized by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. But it doesn’t stop there.

We believe that through the cooperation of the believer, others can come to know this same love and transformation by love through practical acts of service.

Genesis 12:1-3; Matthew 28:19-20; John 1:12, 10:10; Galatians 5:22-23; Philippians 3:12; 2 Peter 3:18

we believe in LOVE’s Ultimate Victory

We believe that God is at work restoring the world, and all of creation, to what it was intended to be at creation. This re-creation process is often described as “redemption” meaning “to buy back out of bondage.” He is actively working in and through us to heal our ways of thinking, feeling and responding to ourselves, each other and to the world around us. We believe this process will come to fullness when Jesus Christ returns to earth and “shalom,” meaning not only “absence of pain” but also “presence of perfect peace,” will once again rule. 

We believe love will have the final word in this life and the one to come and we look forward with great anticipation for the Lord’s return.

2 Peter 3:9; Revelation 12:11, 21:5-6, 22:17


We believe diversity echoes God’s good plan for creation. We believe regardless of age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, physical abilities, background, or history with God, everyone has a place to grow personally and to serve others as a fully participating part of the family of God. Therefore, we highly value and seek to identify and cultivate the unique contributions of every human to God’s work of love in the world.

Genesis 1; John 1:12; Acts 2:17; Romans 12:4-5


We believe that courage in the face of complex reality is important to God and was modeled in Jesus Christ. With that in mind, we seek to be bold in truth and compassionate in love as we work for equity and justice for all.

Joshua 1:9; Philippians 2:6-8; 1 Corinthians 16:13-14


We believe that the truths of God are the hope of the world. We also recognize the mixed reputation of the Church to the world. We will pursue transparency, responsibility, and vulnerability with regard to our finances, our messaging, and our behavior.

Matthew 5:16, 37



We believe celebration is a part of the heart of God. It is found in the Hebrew festivals as well as the practices of the early Church. Therefore, as acts of obedience and worship, we will celebrate the ordinances of baptism, communion, preaching, scripture reading, prayer, and singing with a spirit of gratitude and praise.

Luke 15:22-24; John 15:11; Acts 2:46-47; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17